Monday, March 2, 2009

World of Warcraft: Yogg-Saron and the story behind him

Yogg-Saron is an Old God imprisoned beneath Northrend by the Titans. He is responsible for much of the corruption in Grizzly Hills, including that of Ursoc. He has managed to sway Loken under his influence, using him to wage war with the rest of the Pantheon.


Yogg-Saron, along with the other Old Gods, created the Curse of Flesh to infect and assimilate the Titans’ creations, such as the Earthen. The Titans discovered that if the Old Gods were destroyed, any infected creations would also be destroyed. Alternatively, the Titans kept the Old Gods alive and imprisoned them beneath Azeroth.

Grizzly Hills

Yogg-Saron corrupted the world tree Vordrassil when its roots penetrated his lair. Druids destroyed the tree upon discovering its taint, but corruption continued to spread to the Grizzlemaw furbolgs which later inhabited the tree’s stump and attempted to regrow the world tree. The furbolgs used the corrupted magic of the tree to resurrect the bear god Ursoc, who in turn also became corrupted.


Saronite ore derives its name from Yogg-Saron. Tuskarr refer to it as “black blood of Yogg-Saron,” suggesting it may be a physical byproduct of the Old God. It is used by the Scourge as fuel, armament, weapons, and in constructing their buildings. The Scourge utter “Yogg-Saron” with contempt. Faceless ones also refer to Yogg-Saron in an unknown context.


There is an Old God within Ulduar, suggesting that Yogg-Saron may be an encounter. An area of Ulduar is titled “The Prison of Yogg-Saron,” but he is not found there currently due to only bosses that are being tested being spawned. It is also likely that he will end up coming out of the Saronite pool in his prison rather than be in plain site.

While traveling through Azjol-Nerub on his way to Icecrown, Arthas encountered and defeated a “forgotten one” which bears physical similarities to C’Thun (another Old God), and was defended by faceless ones. This may have been Yogg-Saron, which would mean that the faceless ones are allied with him. Furthermore, a faceless one is present in the Ymirheim Saronite Mines, where Yogg-Saron’s (presumably) whisper can be heard.

The nerubians were known to worship the Old Gods, those that have not been assimilated into the Scourge may still worship them.

The manner and contempt with which the Scourge proclaim “Yogg-Saron” suggests they may be at odds with him. On the other hand, they are reliant upon saronite which he produces.

Whispers of Old Gods

The whispers heard in Whisper Gulch from “unknown voice” may be produced by Yogg-Saron. They sound similar to the whispers of C’Thun, another Old God:

  • They are coming for you…
  • Give in to your fear…
  • Kill them all… before they kill you…
  • They have turned against you… now, take your revenge…
  • Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends…
  • There is no escape… not in this life… not in the next…
  • You are a pawn of forces unseen…
  • It was your fault…

Other whispers:

  • You will be alone in the end…
  • Trust…is your weakness…
  • an illusion…
  • All you know…will fade…

The voices can also be heard in the Ymirheim Saronite Mines and Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom.


  • Yogg-Saron’s name derived from Yog-Sothoth of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos
  • “Yogg” might also be an intentional misspelling of “Ygg”, referring to Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse mythology, tying in with Yogg-Saron’s corruption of Vordrassil

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